
LinkedIn is killing your CTR

Koen Van Looveren


An illustration of a pc showing a CTR decline

As a page manager or advertiser on LinkedIn, you might notice differences in how your organic posts are displayed once they are sponsored or promoted as ads. These changes also apply to how sponsored content ads appear after being shared by others.

Changes to Images in Organic Posts and Sponsored Content Ads

When a someone posts something on their page, it's considered an organic post. A super or content administrator can sponsor an organic post to extend its reach beyond their followers. Sponsored content ads will display differently than the original organic posts. Specifically, the small thumbnail image in the organic post converts to a larger image with dimensions ranging from a minimum of 360 x 640 pixels to a maximum of 2430 x 4320 pixels. LinkedIn wants to keep users on their platform by making this change.

A normal LinkedIn post with a link and image preview

Article Link Preview Modifications

For sponsored content ads containing third-party articles, the link preview also changes when the ad is reshared or goes viral. The ad format is converted back to an organic post with a small thumbnail preview. This ensures consistency in appearance and user experience across LinkedIn's platform.

A sponsored linkedin post

Why SEO Matters

Having SEO in mind is crucial for optimizing your digital presence. Tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics are essential for tracking and enhancing your SEO efforts. Here's why:

Keyword Research

  • Relevance: Identify and use relevant keywords to align your content with what your audience is searching for.
  • Competitiveness: Understand the competition for specific keywords and find opportunities to rank higher.

Google Search Console

  • Performance Reports: Understand how often your LinkedIn profile appears in Google searches and which queries bring traffic to your profile.
  • Index Coverage: Ensure that your LinkedIn profile is correctly indexed by Google, enhancing its visibility.
  • Search Enhancements: Optimize your profile to appear in rich search results.
Google Search console of impaktfull

Google Analytics

  • Referral Traffic: Track visitors coming to your LinkedIn profile from various sources.
  • Behavior Flow: Understand how users navigate to your profile and their actions once there.
  • Goals and Conversions: Set goals to monitor important actions taken on your profile, such as connection requests or messages.

The Importance of SEO for Your Digital Brand

SEO is critical for enhancing your online visibility and attracting the right opportunities. Whether you're a job seeker, a business professional, or an entrepreneur, optimizing your LinkedIn profile can lead to more significant professional engagements, networking opportunities, and potential business deals.

Benefits of an SEO-Optimized LinkedIn Profile

  • Increased Visibility: Higher search rankings mean more views and potential connections.
  • Enhanced Credibility: A well-optimized profile can establish you as an authority in your field.
  • Better Opportunities: More visibility often leads to better job offers, partnerships, and business opportunities.


Investing time in LinkedIn SEO and using tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics can significantly enhance your digital presence. By optimizing your profile for search engines and tracking your performance, you can ensure that you’re making the most of your LinkedIn presence and attracting the right opportunities for career growth and business success.

Start optimizing your LinkedIn profile today, and watch your professional network and opportunities expand.

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